INDIANAPOLIS—The NCAA released the paricipants for the 2024 NCAA Ski Championships, held at Steamboat Springs, Colo., March 6-9, and hosted by the Colorado Buffaloes.
The RMISA is alloted 68 of the 148 positions at the event, 17 in each of the four genders and disciplines, men's and women's alpine and men's and women's Nordic. Each team is allowed a maximum of 12 skiers, three in each.
The RMISA will be represneted by three full 12-skier teams with host Colorado joined by Denver and Utah. Alaska Fairbanks (Nordic only) and Westminster (alpine only) will also have full six-skier teams in attendance. Alaksa Anchorage will have 10 skiers, Montana State nine and Nevada one.
Below are the competitors:
Alaska Anchorage
Ella Bromee, Tuva Bygrave, Derek Deuling, Ari Endestad, Beth Granstrom, Carmen Nielssen, Leon Nikic, Ainsley Proffit, Jan Ronner, Astrid Stav
Alaska Fairbanks
Ben Dohlby, Rosie Fordham, Christopher Kalev, Kendall Kramer, Mike Ophoff, Mariel Pulles
Hanna Abrahamsson, Magnus Boee, Anna-Maria Dietze, Denise Dingsleder, Johannes Flaaten, Weronika Kaleta, Will Koch, Magdalena Luczak, Etienne Mazellier, Ryder Sarchett, Julia Toiviainen, Filip Wahlqvist
Selma Andersen, Nora Brand, Thomas Hoffman, Andreas Kirkeng, Florian Knopf, Liv Moritz, Sara Rask, Hanna Ray, Henriette Saeterdal Semb, Trey Seymour, Christian Soevik, Krystof Zatloukal
Montana State
Tilde Bangman, Kristiane Bekkestad, Gianluca Bohm, Justine Lamontagne, Kai Meyers, Fredrik Nilsen, Kate Oldham, Isak Staurset, Florian Winker
Iver Naess
Brian Bushey, Joe Davies, Karianne Dengerud, Madison Hoffman, Michelle Kerven, Raphael Lessard, Tom Mancini, Sindre Mycklebust, Kaja Norbye, Sydney Palmer-Leger, Nina Schamberger, Mikkel Solbakken
Loic Chable, Evelina Fredricsson, Roman Frost, Jeremie Lagier, Carlotta Marcora, Hanna Saethereng